Guelph Community Singers

Guelph Community Singers

Come Sing With Us

Our next IN-PERSON AND ONLINE session starts Wednesday, January 29th 2025!

What? Did you say “In Person”?
That’s right! We will be opening for in-person singing, and will continue to stream online for our members at home. This session will be our usual 90-minute format and run for the full 17 rehearsals.

How does In-Person singing work?
Those singing in person may sing with or without masks. We will of course continue to monitor Public Health recommendations and may change our masking policy as required.

How will Online singing work?
Guelph Community Singers are offering online sessions through Zoom software. Members will be required to download the Zoom app onto their device (the app is free!) in order to gain access to the rehearsal Zoom room. Registered members will receive an invitation and link to attend rehearsals. Clicking the link provided will bring you into the rehearsal Zoom room. (You may have to wait for a few minutes while we “open the waiting room.”) Our musical director and accompanist will lead us in learning new music. And our online members will be able to hear the in-person choir join in!

Can I switch to online?
Yes, everyone registered will receive the link to our online rehearsal on Zoom. Anyone registered for in-person singing who is not feeling comfortable or is feeling unwell is encouraged to join online. We want everyone to be safe.

Do I need to live in Guelph?
Nope! The magic of Zoom means you can join us from anywhere on the planet (although you’ll want a decent connection)! Invite your friends and family from far and wide to sing with you.

How do I join?
Send us a note on our Contact Page saying you’d like to join our next session. Further information and payment instructions will be emailed to you soon. Registration is considered complete once your payment is received.

How long is a session?
The next 17-week session will consist of 90-minute rehearsals on Wednesday nights from 7:30-9:00 p.m. Eastern, beginning January 29th.

What will it cost?
Our 17-week session costs $110 per person, and GCS is now accepting e-transfers. Payment instructions are sent out with your registration information.

Will we be having a concert?
Yes! Guelph Community Singers is known for performing in front of our friends and family. See our Upcoming Events page for more details.

We look forward to singing with you soon.

Quotes from our members

  • “Great people singing can never be anything but wonderful.”

  • “I love that the pieces chosen are challenging but doable. I love the inclusivity of it.”

  • “I enjoyed hearing how we sounded in the end. All that hard work paid off. Such a great harmonized sound.”

  • “I like challenging myself to sing songs I never thought I could.”

  • “I’m so glad to be part of this choir. I find it very grounding.”

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